Top 10 Fun Ways to Create Income

Instead of waiting around for a new job.  Consider these ideas to bring more income into your life.  They may lead to new ways of self-expression. Sell your stuff or other peoples’ stuff- Ebay, Craig’s List, garage sales Start a small or micro business...

Authentic Work

Real work is effortless.  It flows from who you are at your core.   One thing that stands between you living out your purpose is your internal map of reality.  That map keeps you asleep to your greatness as the landscape is filled with falsities and limiting beliefs. ...

How do you find a more meaningful career?

First, decide that you will make finding your “ideal vocation” your goal.  I say, “Ideal vocation” because that leaves wide open the possibilities and initially you want to approach the change from this perspective.  As humans we often get...

Date Night with Self

We are all so busy we miss deepening the relationship we have with the most important person in the world, SELF.  I challenge you to schedule sacred time to be with you, a weekly date night.  This time can be spent to create your dreams as long as it is all by...

Managing Change in Your Life

The only constant in life is change, how many time have you heard that?  No longer do we live in a predictable society; just look at recent world events from a global perspective and you’ll know this to be true.  So how do we find meaning and feel safe in the midst of...

Coaching is for Dreamers?

I was talking to a very special individual earlier this week who described ‘coaching’ as being for people who had big dreams, (i.e., who are clearly after things that they envision), but can not yet touch.  Many people believe that the path to accomplish...

Creative Project Management

Here are a series of steps to consider as you are developing a project: Outcome: this is what you would like to happen.  THINK BIG – you can always make adjustments Why Will It Work: You’re confident about the above outcome – why do you think it will happen?...

Managing Change in Your Life

The only constant in life is change, how many time have you heard that?  No longer do we live in a predictable society; just look at recent world events from a global perspective and you’ll know this to be true.  So how do we find meaning and feel safe in the midst of...