I have been asked at times for principles or ways to get started making changes in one’s life.  Here are some tips to consider in order to achieve self-mastery.  As you consider these ideas, it’s important to realize that change happens from the inside out so the most critical relationship you have is with yourself.  Only you truly know what’s best for you, what brings you joy, what you want to create as a legacy in your life.  I believe it’s true that an unexamined life is not worth living.  The primary reason for this is that until you truly know yourself, it is likely that you are living out someone’s life.  Uncovering the words written into your soul when you arrived on the planet is the only way to know for sure and that requires self-awareness.

A.  Know Yourself

Live by your values and life purpose

  • use your values as criteria for decision making in every area of your life
  • become conscious of your life’s purpose and find inspiration and fulfillment
  • make sure your work supports at least three of your top five value

Trust your intuition

  • rational thinking is all about perception and therefore illusion
  • your heart is the source of truth and wisdom
  • let yourself be creative and innovative at work

Feed your soul

  • set aside sacred time each week to just be with you, alone
  • keep a journal and ask your inner wisdom for direction
  • meditate daily to reconnect with the Source
  • take a “time out” before agreeing to take something on at work

B.  Remove doubts and obstacles

Tame the Saboteurs

  • identify the strategies your Inner Critic/Saboteurs use to sabotage your success
  • befriend your Saboteurs and freely move forward
  • be sure your Saboteurs aren’t addressing issues at work

Don’t over-identify yourself with your roles

  • roles are what we do not who we are
  • acknowledge others for who they are being not what they are doing
  • your job is just one aspect of your life, it shouldn’t run your life

Get comfortable with change

  • take responsibility for the circumstances in your life and make proactive choices
  • remain flexible yet focused on your vision
  • always be learning new skills and growing yourself for the future

C.  Embrace Life’s Adventure

Honor your talents

  • focus your energy on one talent at a time to be successful
  • develop creative ways to express your talent
  • find work that allows you to do what you do best

Think abundance

  • be grateful for all that you have
  • give generously with good intention
  • learn to receive gratefully
  • become a resource at work by sharing your ideas and time

Set goals

  • developing a long-term goal gives you direction
  • short-term goals organize your activities and help with prioritizing your time
  • develop your personal professional goals each year

Mutual support

  • we are all part of a mutual support system, do your part
  • find a safe and nurturing environment of friends
  • be clear about the support you need to accomplish work assignments